
Copyright Marsha Mills Designs 2018
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Marsha Mills

AIGA Raleigh Board Member

Professional-Design Philosophy

Graphic and web design is a methodical problem-solving process that balances
syntactic, semantic and pragmatic considerations to produce coherent visual

The design process begins with an understanding of the problem and context,
including audience requirements and client objectives. Based on my analysis of
the problem, I develop criteria for an appropriate and effective solution. Finally,
I organize information within a visual structure that enhances the quality of
information and communication.

As a profession, graphic and web design is a balance between business,
communication science, information technology, current culture and visual art – a
collaborative process, involving the participation of creative professionals from
diverse disciplines.

I have a professional responsibility to mediate communication between client and
audience. As an advocate for the reader, I have a moral and ethical responsibility to
create accurate information interfaces between clients and audiences.

I strive for dynamic equilibrium by balancing form with content, unity with variety
and clarity of organization with complexity of visual rhythm.

Internet communications and other new technologies are significantly influencing
the production, distribution and consumption of visual information. The computer
is now a hypermedia publishing environment, as well as a creative tool. As a
new-media information designer, I’m concerned with developing an equilibrium
between brand identity (interface and environment), information (organization
and visual structure) and interactivity (navigation and communication).